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The Brain Sketching Technique is a more free-flowing visual creative technique than Picture Chains.

ball bullet How does the Brain Sketching work?

Brain Sketching requires a pen or pencil and a large piece of white paper.

Use your mind’s eye to picture the creative starting point - or starting points.

Then allow the mind’s eye to wander freely around this starting point and, as you do so, capture objects, images, impressions, happenings, feelings (etc).

Sketch your impressions of these objects (etc) on your sheet of paper each time an object enters your mind’s eye. The result will be a series of quick drawings that will begin to structure and form into a creative work.

Brain Sketching is an effective technique that can be made even more productive by giving your brain’s Default Mode Network time to assist. Leave your sketched impressions and return to them the next day. You will find that there will be further creative insight and opportunities that your Default Mode Network has discovered overnight.

ball bullet Supplement: Brain Sketching

Pictures that could assist in providing visual cues in Brain Sketching can be obtained from online libraries such as Getty Images or Shutter Stock or the online presence of museums or art galleries.